I always feel like I have to add some sort of disclaimer when I start to go on and on about Chemistry, because I liked it (and Mr. VanMuyden) enough in high school to take on an unheard of sixth period my senior year to work in the little room just to the right of the classroom, in gloves and goggles, sifting shelves for solids and calculating molarities, putting "acid to water like you ought'er" and almost getting knocked out by some potent HCl once after pouring it out before remembering to turn on the fume hood. Yeah, I like it. I still like it. I'm just anticipating being done with it, maybe wishing I got a couple other assignments in my other class so I wasn't constantly immersed in Chemistry. I have very little homework for my two Biology classes--an open-book, online quiz here, a trip to the greenhouse there--but in my last quarter of Chemistry ever, professor Bogo is making quite sure that he squeezes the last bits of potential energy out of me before I can make it to the ornithology, paleontology, botany, and mycology classes of my dreams (once I tackle two more quarters of Biology, two quarters of Physics, and one of Biostatistics, of course). What I mean to say is that, as I sat in the Humanities lecture hall today being lectured on reaction rates and sitting pen to open planner making my weekly to-do list, the homework section read "chem lab report," "chem prelab," "chem homework," and the "chem practice test" for the "CHEM 1C MIDTERM" I have penned in big block letters on Friday, October 16.
So that to-do list is what I have to do today after I get out of work at four, where the smell of slide cleaner has become less pungent but where it seems like someone has left the heater on because it has been eighty degrees in this little room for the past two days and no amount of open windows, doors, or oscillating fans has brought the temperature down any. Upon entering today, I quickly stripped off cardigan, scarf, leggings, socks, and threw my hair up off my sweaty neck before doing anything else. And I'm still at it with the Cambodia slides, but I'll be thinking of Chemistry, and not that, soon enough.
Meanwhile, trying to figure out how to change the address that automatically pops up when I start typing "Google"--I'd prefer to leave google.ca in Canada along with the fact that I couldn't watch any shows online while I was up there which made the long days even longer. Not like the Netflix (and the second season of Dexter, which we started last night) that we have streaming from the Xbox Pup brought, and the whole other game world inside of it that Pup just texted me from to say that's he's currently doing very well at Halo, just thought I'd like to know.