Today's uneaten salad: lettuce, avocados, cucumbers, red cabbage, pepitas, garbanzo beans at the last second--uneaten because of its accompanying fish tacos. Sorry, salad. I'll eat you soggy tomorrow.
Earlier, I screen printed for the first time with Tom, which was exciting and inspiring and made me much much too too impatient for a future beyond prerequisite calculus, chemistry, biology, physics and introductory drawing classes, thinking about frenchships while printing peas, carrots, broccoli on six-to-twelve-month onesies.
Dreaming about a CSA box for next year's apartment (and next year's apartment) and trying to track down a Santa Cruz subscription before the season is over. Two Friendly Farms four-week trial as a trial-run for when spring rolls back around? Maybe it'll be a kale winter. It's been a vegetable day.