August 31, 2009

On another note

Pup expertly paused and searched the episode of Conan we attended the taping of and, though this may be blurry and uncertain for anyone else, that is definitely and undeniably us perched way up in the back row clapping wildly and smiling even wilder:

Fame and superstardom, here we come!

Every place I am, I want to be somewhere else

There are pieces of me scattered all over every home I've ever had and I can't leave anywhere without leaving a part of myself there. And everywhere I go I find myself there, but it's the me of memories of being there--a specific me with a particular life and unique feelings and ideas and beliefs about where and who and what I am. But who I am is always looking towards another place to be, because I want to be a new person not reliving what it was like to once be where I am and I always hope that a shift will occur each time I unpack myself in a new place. Because right now, as much as I love and once loved living carefree and easy in Davis, I just want to be back in Santa Cruz curled up under leaves and flowers and soil trying to root myself in at least one place.

August 26, 2009

Salads, squeegees

Today's uneaten salad: lettuce, avocados, cucumbers, red cabbage, pepitas, garbanzo beans at the last second--uneaten because of its accompanying fish tacos. Sorry, salad. I'll eat you soggy tomorrow.

Earlier, I screen printed for the first time with Tom, which was exciting and inspiring and made me much much too too impatient for a future beyond prerequisite calculus, chemistry, biology, physics and introductory drawing classes, thinking about frenchships while printing peas, carrots, broccoli on six-to-twelve-month onesies.

Dreaming about a CSA box for next year's apartment (and next year's apartment) and trying to track down a Santa Cruz subscription before the season is over. Two Friendly Farms four-week trial as a trial-run for when spring rolls back around? Maybe it'll be a kale winter. It's been a vegetable day.

August 25, 2009

Where I'm going: home

I had fun down in San Francisco,
Los Angeles, Stratford too,
And I've got a life in Santa Cruz,
But Davis, California, comin' right back home to you